Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas

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Georgetown’s Public Art Program and Arts and Culture Grant Program are both funded by the Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT). Our annual Sculpture Tour features high quality sculptures that offer great photo opportunities for tourists, and many sculptures from the tour have been featured in travel articles and tourism marketing material. Georgetown’s Arts and Culture Grant Program awards grants to artists and nonprofit arts and cultural organizations with special consideration for programs that “have a cultural tourism or economic impact (e.g., events that may attract people who also attend other arts & culture venues or events, stay overnight, shop, or dine in Georgetown)”

The Georgetown City Council grants HOT to the Georgetown Convention and Visitors Bureau through the annual budgeting process. The Convention and Visitor’s Bureau budget includes money that is designated for the Georgetown Arts and Culture Board.

The Georgetown Arts and Culture Board offers Arts and Culture Grants that are funded by HOT. Following is a link to the grant information: Arts and culture programs are eligible for the Transportation Grant.

The Arts and Culture Board has defended the HOT investment in Arts and Culture and has been successful by seeing funding increase incrementally over the years!


Galveston, Galveston County, Texas


Houston: Houston Arts Alliance